Thursday, February 25, 2016

It's not a Conspiracy. (It's Congenital)

A bunch of swells running around in dark cloaks killing cute furry woodland creatures does not a conspiracy make.

Does anyone really believe that a coven of un-creatively anachronistic Elmer Fudds have the drag to gin up international terror while suppressing wages and opportunities for us ordinary American slobs?

Well . . . , it's still not a conspiracy.

It's what Cronkite said. "That's the way it is!"

It's not a conspiracy; it's the way things work.

Not that there isn't a "power elite" inordinately dominated by the investor class.

It's just likely most such toffs who delight in "tours of the Czech countryside, wine tasting, wild boar and mouflon (wild sheep) hunts, classic dance instruction and a masked costume ball are probably more like Fredo than Vito or Michael Corleone. They're the ones paid to stay OUT of the family business.

Well . . . , maybe not ALL of them . . .

The Pot Starts to Scald

What happens when froggies in a heated pot start to feel the scald?

Do they Turn to the Bern or (try to) Jump to the Trump?

Either way "The Establishment" is dismayed.

They know too well that there is no alternative to what is happening now.

We're terrorized by terrorists.  We work longer hours for less pay.

Muslims want to kill us.  Mexicans are taking our jobs.

Those Mexicans, especially "the illegals" will, after all, work so hard for so little pay.  And they can't complain.  (They're illegal.)   A wall won't keep them out, but at least Trump will build one.  He says so.

And, he says, Mexico will pay for the wall.  It will, at least, generate construction jobs. But for whom?  Illegal Mexicans who work hard for less pay and don't complain?

It looks like the Establishment will always be right.  (No wonder we hate them so much.)