Wednesday, May 18, 2016

A Really BAD Daddy for America

Sometimes the filter just catastrophically fails. I should stop reading the New York Times in bed before I am fully awake. Otherwise stuff happens.


The intellectual & moral bankruptcy of US elites is lewdly exhibited here.

The US tries to foster peace and global democracy only in the troubled imaginations of ordinary Americans oppressed by overwork and underpay - if not yet made redundant or underemployed by a rigged economy staggering and stagnating under the vigorous parasitism of an idiot elite .1%

An "expert" in US foreign policy has all the information required to know that US foreign policy is about protecting business & investment interests with NO compunction about:

  • supporting terrorism and torture, 
  • subverting sovereign (even democratically elected) governments by disrupting their societies with propaganda and economic warfare leading to violence, hunger, and lack of medical care, 
  • direct "covert" attacks on property and persons (including death from the sky via cruise missiles and drones), 
  • Or, when "necessary" . . . terror bombing and outright invasion. 

The fact that our "free press" constantly publishes poisonous dreck like this helps explain why voters are swayed by unprincipled demagogues like Trump. What Trump spews is no less outlandish, irresponsible, and mendacious than what's foisted upon us as the sober, sound, and "respectable" consensus of a cancerous establishment.

US voters might just be entering a pubescent stage of awareness that our "parents" are really drunk, drug-addled abusers at home and murderous Mafiosi in the street. Some siblings will emulate. Others . . .?


The Times piece being reacted to was written by a Harvard educated professor named Eliot Cohen, a member of George W. Bush's foreign policy "brain trust" which, I suppose, might be all anyone needs to know. It really shows what humanity has always been up against. "We have met the enemy, and they are . . . ."

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