Monday, June 26, 2017

Profiteering on HealthCare Needs

Republican "Senator" Ron Johnson of Wisconsin claims his experience as an accountant bolsters his false claim that the private sector is the most efficient provider of healthcare and insurance. "Keep it Simple Stupid!", he exhorts we ignorant rubes.

Keep it Simple Stupid!!!

Providing the cheapest worst possible product at the highest possible price is the iron law of profit. And every single "private sector" firm or industry is in business for only one reason: to make a profit. Without profit they are out of business. That is the ultimate economic application of KISS.

The quality and price of any product service is always impacted by what "the market" will bear. But successful firms and industries have the clout to influence how markets operate and how they are regulated. There is no such thing as a "free market". There never has been. There never will be. There is no such thing as pure capitalism. There is only state capitalism where private wealth and continued profit are supplied, supported, and protected by government power.

Private for profit companies are fine for selling toothpaste, aftershave, and flywheel spinners. Let them combine cameras with phones and online forums for puppy pictures. Just remember that the basic technologies they profit from were developed with taxpayer funding at major (NON PROFIT) research institutions.

The profit motive is corrosive to public health, public safety, and the public welfare when it comes to providing necessities. It has no business providing education (including textbooks or pencils), health care, police, fire, water, or electricity etc. etc. etc.

This is the simple truth. Anybody who claims otherwise is a liar, a fool, or both.

Oh, and dear employers . . . Take your jobs and ( . . . you know what!)!

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