Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Hillary Needs to Concede

It's Time for Hillary to Concede!

If Hillary cares about the soul of the Democratic Party, it's time to concede.

If Hillary believes her party and our nation have a decent chance at a bright future, it's time she concedes.

She needs to concede our party can no longer be the party of soulless compromise.

She needs to concede that our party can no longer be craven supplicants to the idiot
elite (.1%) who dominate our institutions with their blithe, predatory arrogance, ignorance, and incompetence.

She needs to commit to helping our nation deal with the legacies of genocide and slavery that still sap and compromise our wellbeing.

She needs to admit petty procedural concessions like reforming the cynically obscene "super delegate system" are not enough to put democracy back to sleep.

She needs to viscerally understand that piecemeal reforms like ending the serfdom of student debt and forcing corporate pillagers to pay their fair taxes AND invest in domestic productivity with dignified jobs cannot put democracy back to sleep.

She needs to stalwartly commit to helping our nation understand the difference between building a world dedicated to peace, justice and democracy versus terrorizing our planet with nuclear weapons, drones, and brutal invasions characterized as much by torture and massacre as by "shock and awe".

Bernie supporters may concede Hillary has many of the practical skills, experiences, and relationships needed to help us all start down that hard road with a viable sense of purpose.

But Hillary has to concede that she cannot do it without help from Bernie, and especially his supporters.

And just maybe, if Hillary concedes ALL this in a credible sustained way, she can win a glimmer of goodwill, not only from some majority of Bernie supporters, but from some significant portion of those who, from the hopelessness and frustration of insulted faith, have succumbed to the seduction of atavistic authoritarianism that proves how very unexceptional we are.

And perhaps if she convincingly embraces the legacy and symbolism of Muhammad Ali: black, courageous, beautiful, Muslim AND as American as any migrant ever refugee-d by the menaced and menacing forces of superpower . . . maybe the forces enmeshed in such legacy and symbolism will cautiously embrace her in return.

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