Tuesday, June 14, 2016

"Lesser Evilism" in the Real World

People need to send this guy money - or appropriate gift certificates!

It's a lot harder than he makes it look to make sense of (and find any glimmer of hope) in the ongoing clown olympics by which we, every four years, install a new Firefly (Rufus T.)

Some trivial quibbles:

  • 1. It is completely responsible for anyone to entertain the possibility that Trump could actually be the LESSER of two evils when the other choice is Hillary - even if she actually does what she needs to do to earn Bernie supporters' full-throated support. (Don't hold your breath.) Mocking, shaming, badgering, or superciliously lecturing his supporters only strengthens Trump's demagoguery by perpetuating the wrong kinds of resentment and reaction. 
  • B. Anyone who feels too much of the urge to be taken seriously by existing "pwogwessive" movements needs to carefully examine her thinking process and serotonin levels.  Right-wingers have no monopoly on sanctimony, grifting, hysteria, or lust for dominance.
  • The idea of "safe states" in these times of instability is quite shaky, if not arrogant and pernicious.  In recent memory, Massachusetts has gone for the "Sainted" Ronny "the Gipper" and for "Downtown Scotty Brown - which only shows to go you that no Commonwealth is immune to the cat cries of a well-financed confidence man.

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